Although your boiler may work as usual, after 10 to 15 years of use, it's time to consider replacing it. The reason for this is that older appliances are often less efficient than newer, greener options. Most boilers will have an average lifespan of between 15 and 25 years. If your boiler is 23 years old and requires major repairs, it may be time to consider a new boiler.
Colorado's winter weather can drop as low as 17 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below freezing. It's still not as cold as in other cities in Colorado, but your butt is going to freeze. Different boilers use different types of fuel, from oil, gas, coal and even electricity. The most common is the natural gas boiler, which heats water up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
The main reason for replacing boiler parts or the entire unit is age. As we said, your boiler, through constant use, can suffer wear and tear. Heating the metal can cause deformations that can compromise the boiler structure. If your boiler is older than 15 years old, you probably need a new boiler.
A 15-year-old boiler has been used extensively over the years. There will also be high levels of wear and tear. Making a replacement can be a crucial step before a critical failure occurs. Talmich Plumbing and Heating9150 Bellcove CirColorado Springs, CO 80920 (71 822-0448) or email us here.
Colorado plumber's license, insured and insured MP00187125. CEE recommends replacing a boiler when you're 25 or older. A boiler can operate beyond this age, but it will operate less efficiently and is more likely to need more frequent repairs as it ages. This means that you'll pay more to heat your home as your boiler ages. AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, which is a measure of how efficiently your boiler uses fuel.
To put this into perspective, if you use a grade G boiler, for every pound you spend on your heating bill, you're wasting 30 pence on lost energy. The industry standard advice is to replace the boiler every 10 years, however, some people still have operating boilers that are over 30 years old. If you need to replace your boiler, it could cost you more money, since energy efficiency is reduced and there is a danger that they may not be safe. Let's take a closer look at when you should replace your boiler, or at least consider contacting a professional.
In addition, a modern boiler contains much more than the equipment it needs to be installed outside the old boiler. Before starting this project, check if your natural gas company has rebates for high-efficiency boilers. We not only work with boilers, but also with ovens, heat pumps, ductless heating and geothermal systems that save energy. Boiler protection schemes are something to consider, especially if you're looking for that extra peace of mind.
Talk to your contractor about what level of efficiency is right for your home and learn more about efficiency levels and their implications through CEE's research on condensing boilers through the link below. One of the most visible signs of when you should replace your boiler is when you can see corrosion. In the United Kingdom, four million households in the United Kingdom are not connected to the gas grid, so an oil boiler is used as an alternative. The lifespan of each boiler varies, depending on many different reasons, but ultimately, your boiler should last up to 15 years.