CEE recommends replacing a boiler when you are 25 years of age or older. A boiler can operate beyond this age, but it will operate less efficiently and is more likely to need more frequent repairs as it ages. This means that you'll pay more to heat your home as your boiler ages. Have your energy bills increased? If so, it could be a sign that your boiler has started to work inefficiently.
Old boilers can only be 60-70% efficient, so you're paying for a lot of wasted energy. If the system to which the boiler is connected is supposed to be a closed circuit, or an almost closed circuit, but it is leaking, the liquid water or vapor that is filtered is replaced by new water containing new oxygen and new minerals. In the case of cast iron boilers, it's not uncommon to replace all sections of the boiler with identical replacements while keeping the controls, burner and piping in place. The industry standard advice is to replace the boiler every 10 years, however, some people still have operating boilers that are over 30 years old.
However, it's easy to overestimate the increase in fuel efficiency associated with replacing a boiler or burner. Unfortunately, few boilers receive treatment for new doors or cleaning covers, and many boilers are replaced when flue gas leaks worsen. My advice is that the 10 years to replace the boiler isn't too bad, because the better it is (Vaillant and Worcester), maybe you can delay it a bit. If your boiler needs to be replaced, there will usually be signs that first alert you to any problems.
There are a lot of things to consider when replacing your boiler, so if you're still having losses, contact a professional like Stack. A reasonable alternative to replacing the boiler is to buy new boiler doors and seal them hermetically, then clean the boiler room and install additional lighting. Similarly, if some sections of a cast iron boiler have been replaced, it is reasonable to assume that the other sections will need to be replaced soon. The best candidates for replacement are coal burners switched to oil or gas and gas ovens with pilot lights instead of electronic igniters.
They can help you analyze your current heating system and boiler to decide which replacement is best for your home. Much of the credit for the increase in efficiency that is usually attributed to replacement boilers must be attributed to the set-up, new controls and careful control adjustments made at the time of boiler installation, all of which could be done with the existing boiler. If you know you need to replace your unit or if you're not sure about its condition, here's everything you need to know about replacing your residential boiler.